Hot Celebrity Leather Dress Spring/ Summer 2011 Trend

With PETA campaigns and public actions more and more fierce (or is it the compassion to animals being killed that works?) we all have tried to limit ourselves to the use of leather in shoes and handbags only. But it seems that celebrities don’t want to hear anything about it and choose leather as the main material for their outfits. The leather dress has become a hot Spring/ Summer 2011 trend. Everybody from Nicole Kidman to Jennifer Hudson wear it. Even Lindsay Lohan, who once suffered public humiliation for rocking fur, has dared to don a leather dress to a recent court hearing.

Nicole Richie, Kate Moss, Kylie Minogue, Catherine Zeta Jones, and lots of other stars have been spotted lately in leather dresses. Leather does look good especially if the wearer has a flawless figure. What do you think about the new Spring/ Summer 2011 trend that is becoming hotter and hotter day by day? Would you splurge for a dress like that?


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